It is possible to get approved for an unemployment claim even if an individual is not eligible. This is both illegal and costs your company an unnecessary amount of money. This is where Packer & Associates comes in. We can help process each unemployment claim filed against your company to determine if the individual is eligible based on his or her separation from your company, determine any inaccuracies, and potentially represent your company in court.
One of the many perks of our services is that we will aggressively represent you. Professional representation is provided at administrative law judge hearings and Appellate Commission or Board of Review hearings, and we file all necessary forms to expedite this process.
When it comes to trusting another company legal access to your financial records and more, you want to know you've picked the best in the industry. Here at Packer & Associates, we hold over 100 years of experience and have been serving your community since 1974.
"When a former employee filed an incorrect claim against us, it was great to have Packer &
Associates on our side..."
- Chrisa Ratza,
Office Manager,
Big John Steak & Onion
Are unemployment claims costing you more than they should?